Sunday, November 11, 2007

First Scene Timing

The whole short is going to be "one shot", so there aren't really different scenes.
I want to divide the movie into scenes logically by the actions in each scene.

The first scene starts with 3 inanimate cubes in the frame.
After a few seconds rest, the small cube starts to jiggle, then rests again for a few seconds, and then jiggle again and grow hands. After that he wakes up, starting to feel the ground around him, and then gets up on his feet.
In the last part of the scene the young cubie starts walking around, first slowly and after a few steps more cheerfully, circling the bigger cube.
The scene ends after the young cubie has circled the bigger cube and is curious about it. In the next scene he will wake him up.

I created a Google Spreadsheet that summarize the planned timing of my first scene.
I'm trying to "act it out", as much as you can act out something like a jiggling box.

First Scene Timing

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