Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Rendering Challenge

I have been neglecting the blog, and actually my 3D work as a whole...
Don't have any real excuse though.

This is a rendering challenge from CGTalk Israel forum -
render a given model of a cheese and knife.

Here's the result I have so far:

I used the following lights and materials.
* Area light to simulate a kitchen window.
* Spot light to simulate indoors lighting with hard shadows.
* HDRI image for reflections.

* Cheese - Mental ray SSS material, with a noise texture in the specular map.
* Knife - Mental ray DGS material, with maximum glossy and specular values.
* Knife handle - Simple blinn material with a very dense noise for a bump map, eccentricity 0.4 and specular roll off 0.5 to create softer speculars.
* Tray - Blinn material with wood texture.


configurator said...
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configurator said...

Very nice model.

I was sure the bog has ended, though, with your acceptance to VFS - after all, it is a blog about the showreel you were going to send them.


Yanir Kleiman said...

Well, I wouldn't call the VFS portfolio an uber-showreel...
It's not even edited as a showreel (i.e. one movie clip with all my work on it).

I will keep adding stuff as I go along, so this will be more of a live portfolio.
