Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Elusive Blend Point

When you create a point constraint in Maya, and then key the constrained attribute, Maya automatically creates an attribute called "Blend Point". This attribute works like ikBlend: When its value is 0 the constraint is off, and when its value is 1 the constraint is on.

An orient constraint similarly creates an attribute called "Blend Orient".

Can I use these properties to blend ik/fk in my current setup?

I don't know. Googling "blend point" + maya yields the outstanding number of 22 results. Googling "blend orient" + maya yields only 2.

From my tests so far, it works fine as long as I don't forget to key everything before I start animating - the translation, rotation, Use IK, Blend Point and Blend Orient properties of the control as well as the rotation of the joints.

I'm going to try to animate like this, and only if I will have problems I will work on the 3-skeletons solution for ik/fk blend.

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